November 11, 2009

Because it was asked for...

So...I check up on the Horner household through Mindy's blog. I happened to stumble on her post about window mistreatments. I was interested in it, did some research, and thought hey I can do this. And my day off from school, I gave it a shot! I had previous plans for the windows involving number 2 and number 3 making a window box and then me cover it with fluff and fabric. After 3 months of waiting, I took matters into my own hands, of course with the help of the Nester by way of Mindy. They are almost finished products...just lacking a little black ribbon hot glue along the bottom. In true tradition, I guess I need to name my glue gun.

PS I also did a ragamuffin garland that I love. I'm going to hang it over the sliding glass doors and put my Christmas cards (hint hint) on them too!!!