September 16, 2008

All You Married People...

I need your help. I have to decide on who should be the officiant at my wedding. I have two pastors in mind. One that was my neighbor a long, long, long time ago and holds a very special place in my life...but doesn't know Scott. The other is the current pastor at my church and a very eloquent and passionate speaker.

I'm not sure how to decide on which one to use. I am really torn between the two. I just attended one wedding where there were two officiants and I didn't love it.

Anyway, I'm not even sure what questions to ask to help me decide between the two. So help...what are things that I need to know?!?!?! Any suggestions? Helpful hints? Advice?

September 15, 2008

Bad things don't really come in 3' they?

So I was feeling the pressure to blog and can't believe I forgot to blog about this...

When Scott was in town I let all the wedding stuff slide (minus the engagement party) for a bit. I changed all the plans of meeting with the pastor and working on the registry and honeymoon discussions and our first dance song and decided with just a short visit we should have us time. The only thing that we had to get done was get Scott's ring sized. So Saturday after lunch, we stroll up to Whitehall Jewelry. (I was getting my ring sized and they were having a great sale so I decided to get his there too! We both have like a 3 year warranty on our rings.)

I walked up to the nice lady and said "I would like to get his ring sized." The nice lady said back to me..."We don't do that anymore since we are bankrupt." WHAT????? The nice lady then said, "Yeah it was kind of surprising for us know one day you have a job and the next day you don't."

So do bad things really come in 3's?

September 10, 2008

What Happened?

I was so excited about my engagement cards. They looked beautiful online. A picture of me and Scott and the beach, a cute little phrase, a beautiful blue background...and a great price! I ordered them and they were waiting on me when I got home from school today. I was soooo excited until I opened the box.

And what to my surprise do Scott and I look like...oh just like we have orange faces. Our faces are seriously the color of that hat!!! So just to let you know we are both completely healthy and we are not tanorexic (love Project Runway).

September 7, 2008

What to Do?

I have a little decision to make. I can't decide what to do for a wedding favor. I know that most people don't do anything with them other than throw them away. I love the idea of supporting a charity. Scott and I are huge animal lovers. In fact Sawyer is a rescue cat. I would love to use the money to donate an animal care center.

But at the same time...these magnetic snowglobes are just about the best thing ever! I love snowglobes! There is just something about them that brings a smile to my face. And even better...I can slide a picture of Scott and I in there Seriously...who wouldn't want that????

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Plans and Suggestions

Alright Mindy and Ashley...hit me up...what ideas do you have up your sleeves? I can't wait to hear these wonderful suggestions!!!!

The First Party

This Saturday Scott and I attended our first wedding party! My mom and dad threw an engagement bash for family and friends. Leading up the the event, I was a little worried that Hurricane Hannah would ruin the plans. Hurrican Hannah could have prevented Scott from getting here or it could have put a damper on the outside party. But no was a beautiful, gorgeous, fantastic day! Pictures will follow soon.

The whole evening was perfect. My dear friends Eowyn and Erin were there. I have known them since middle school. Julia, another middle school friend, was there is in heart because she is now living in Chicago. Crystal and Angela (maid of honor) were there! The Godmother Mafia was in town and didn't let me down. They brought delish food and their bubbly personality. Other family friends that were in attendance were Sally and Jeff, Kim and Byron, Peggy (bridesmaid) and Ronnie (ofiicial wedding driver), Jess (bridesmaid), Casey (official usher). It was so great to have everyone there!

There were so many memories but one of the best had to be the party game, How Well Do You Know Scott and Stacie? The questions ranged from when and where did Scott and Stacie get married? Where did Scott spend the first 5 months of our dating? How did Scott save Stacie's life? What phrase is most likely to come out of Scott's mouth when he is watching football? By the way, when Jodi O. read the multiple choice answer, Scott almost spit his beverage out! It was hilarious! The answers were almost as funny and so many of them brought back memories. Team UNC (Erin, Evan, and Eowyn) remembered that my favorite movie was My Best Friends Wedding-which we used to dance to at our weekly sleepovers. Team Sally and Jeff answered his wife when asked the question what is Scott's favorite pet. And I will just let your imagination run with the answers that were given to the question What is a typical date for Scott and Stacie. To keep with the Seal (my soon to be last name) theme...there was even a prize of Red Seal Beer!!!

I can't forget a very special phone call from my Great Aunt Betty, who toasted long distance with Scott and I.

With food, friends, family, games, cake, and even a few presents, the evening was a total success!

September 1, 2008

Do You See That?

Ummm...take a look to the side and down a little...Do you see it? The wedding countdown...292 days. 292 days. When it was in the three hundreds it seemed so far away. But now it's in the 200's. That is so hard to believe. I can't believe how much there is to do!!!!