August 14, 2008

I'm a hearbreaker :(

Poor Andy. Poor, Poor Andy.

I never knew that agreeing to be Andy's girlfriend one spring afternoon would ever lead to this. After an eventful shopping trip with the Horner boys, Andy popped the question. Will I be his girlfriend???? Of course. Who could resist that cute cute CUTE kid! And what a great boyfriend he is...he helped me pick out a dress and then he even got me a matching purse on his own for a gift!!!

Then when Scott popped the real question, I of course called Mindy. And that is where the heartbreaking comes in. I called to tell Mindy and Maci that I finally got engaged. Well the news spread to Andy and it turns out that while those two were excited...Andy was not so much.

I got a phone call thinking it was Maci and it turns out to be a conversation something like this...

"Osborn, I was going to marry you."
"Oh, Andy I love you to pieces."
"Osborn, I was going to marry you."
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I still love you!!!"
But nothing that I said could make him think that me getting married was a good idea.

And then I stopped by and normally, I get knocked down with hugs. Andy just looked at me and said, "Are you still wearing that love ring"

Oh, but be prepared...I continue to break his heart. I ran into the Horner family at the gas station. As I scooted over to say hello, Andy was quiet again. Not a single peep. I found out later that after I left, Andy told Mindy (his mom), "I was going to marry her. I should've asked her sooner."

So there it is...I have officially broken a four year old's heart. It's been a over a month and he still hasn't forgotten. Mindy has promised that she won't teach Andy the word Object!!!!

Meet the Maid of Honor

Do you think that we'll still be friends when we're little old ladies?
That we'll still get the giggles and laugh till our bellies ache?
Do you suppose that we'll still talk for hours and tell each other anything and everything and share worries and gossip over cofee and tea?

I do. I think we'll be friend forever.

We have been friends since our freshman year at UNCW. She is amazing, wonderful, spectacular, compassionate, driven, fun-loving...the list really goes on and on. I can't imagine having anyone else but her being my maid of honor. From chocolate milk and Krispy Kreme doughnuts before class everyone morning to Chick-fil-A lunches to basketball games to good old Walter's class with trips to Squiggley's to Sandbar adventures to beach days and so much more, Angela and I made so many memories at UNCW.

But our friendship is so much more than college memories. At times we get busy and go a while without getting together, but no matter the time or distance, we can pick up like it was just yesterday that we saw each other. We laugh and cry and laugh and listen and laugh and laugh. Angela is my best friend and I'm so very lucky that she said yes and is my Maid of Honor!

August 8, 2008

My Future House

I just got back from a way too short trip to Florida. I can't wait for the day that I don't have to say good-bye at the airport! Everytime I'm at the airport I always thinkg of the movie Love of my favorites!

Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaking suspision love actually is all around.

So anyway, here's my house. And boy do I have plans! Paint, new cabinets, maybe a set of columns...

Of course it looks a little different now with three guys living in it!

August 5, 2008

The Proposal

It all started a couple of years ago, on one of the many trips back from the airport. We drove by a Charley's, a famous steakhouse is Tampa. Scott just happened to mention that he had taken a couple of prom dates there. Of course, I said, "When are you going to take me there?" He said, "That's not a restaurant for a date, that's a like an engagement dinner place." So that was that and I was pretty sure at that point that it would be a long, long, long, time before I ever got to go there.

The day before I left to go to Florida, Scott called me and said bring a dress. Anyone who know anything about Scott is that he doesn't dress up, so immediately I asked what was going on. He told me we were going to Charley's. What??? Charley's??? Of course my mind was he really going to propose? Does he remember saying that?

I tried very hard not to think about possibly getting engaged, because I didn't want to get my hopes up. My brother helped me to decide that Scott was getting a "promotion" at work and wanted to celebrate with a nice dinner out. I tried to let that be enough but I just had to ask his mom a few questions...or maybe a little bit more than a few...but she gave no sign of knowing anything. The one piece of advice from Carla was just to enjoy the dinner and to try not to think about Scott popping the question.

We made it to dinner and I was on the look out for every little thing. We ordered an appetizer and I saw Scott staring at the plate. Oh...maybe he put it on the plate and I missed it. I started to look on the plate and Scott said what are you doing? Guess I will have to wait...Then the waitress came by and I thought maybe she had it...nope! Dinner was fantastic! At one point Scott reached to his pocket and I thought "IT'S REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN NOW!" but he said that he was glad he remembered to grab his wallet. After dinner he asked if I wanted dessert and I was thinking of course I do...this is when people get the ring in the movies. But dessert came with no ring and I was beginning to get really sad! The fudgie brownie vanila ice cream yumminess did help a little.

We left the restaurant and I was pretty much done for the night. As hard as I tried not to, I got my hopes up! We got in the car and Scott didn't want to go home yet. I told him I didn't care what we did. I just looked out the window. I jokingly said...Let's go on all the bridges in Tampa. (I have a serious fear of bridges, so I thought that would be a great topper for the night!) So we went drivng around the bay and tried to go to one of the many parks to watch the sunset and they were all closed. We continued to drive and I continued to stare out the window. He kept asking me what I was thinking because I was so quiet and I just couldn't tell him that I was thinking how I was disappointed.

We made it out to Clearwater Beach and the rain had stopped. We walked out to the beach and it was a perfect view. A beautiful sunset was right in front of us and on either side of us was a a lightning storm. We talked on the beach, kissed a little, and watched the ocean, the sunset and the storms.

When I was ready to leave, Scott starting hitting his pockets and said "I don't know where my keys are!" Now, watching the sunset had put me in a little bit of a better mood but those 6 words completely threw that mood out the window. First of all there was a storm coming and we were on the beach and there was no cover! Second of all it would take anyone at least an hour to get to us! Third this was just what I wanted to hear after I thought I would get engaged and didn't!

I turned around to retrace our steps, hoping that I could find the key. After I took a few steps, Scott said "Hey!" I turned around and there he was down on one knee with a ring outstretched. It took me a few seconds to realize what was going on. Then there were those words from the love of my life..."I love you! Will you marry me." Sunset on the beach with the one I love...It was perfect!

August 1, 2008

The First Time We Met

It all started with one phone call. A roommate called and said, "My friends are back from Japan, want to meet up at BW's (Buffalo Wild Wings) with us?" Being a gi-normous fan of the buffalo bites, I of course, said yes. I walked in and sat down at the table and was introduced to Butter, AJ, Corey, and Skippy. It was an adventure. They were loud and crazy!!! All except Skippy. He was glued to the televisions showing every sporting event as well as the all the news about all of the sporting events. So as the evening went on, we left BW's and went back to the apartment to play cards. Somehow we, Skippy and I, ended up on the couch beside, watching the games. Slowly, everyone went to bed, but the two of us. We were up talking about family and football and everything and anything all night long. The thing that I will never forget about that night is how he looked at he wanted to never forget one detail of my face. Could a girl ask for anything else? As the light began to creep into the apartment, he asked me to go to breakfast. We strolled into McDonalds and ate our breakfast together. After breakfast we left, me for work and he for base and both with a smile on our face!