August 1, 2008

The First Time We Met

It all started with one phone call. A roommate called and said, "My friends are back from Japan, want to meet up at BW's (Buffalo Wild Wings) with us?" Being a gi-normous fan of the buffalo bites, I of course, said yes. I walked in and sat down at the table and was introduced to Butter, AJ, Corey, and Skippy. It was an adventure. They were loud and crazy!!! All except Skippy. He was glued to the televisions showing every sporting event as well as the all the news about all of the sporting events. So as the evening went on, we left BW's and went back to the apartment to play cards. Somehow we, Skippy and I, ended up on the couch beside, watching the games. Slowly, everyone went to bed, but the two of us. We were up talking about family and football and everything and anything all night long. The thing that I will never forget about that night is how he looked at he wanted to never forget one detail of my face. Could a girl ask for anything else? As the light began to creep into the apartment, he asked me to go to breakfast. We strolled into McDonalds and ate our breakfast together. After breakfast we left, me for work and he for base and both with a smile on our face!

1 comment:

Ashley B said...

Skippy huh? I would like to here where that name came from-- seriously what a sweet little story