October 14, 2008

One More Thing...

The non-bridezilla that I am...decided to make fans for everyone at the wedding. They are super cute...they just aren't put together!! The front says a whole bunch of different things like first kiss, once upon a time, cherish, to have and to hold, wedding, congratulations...all that fun stuff. The back says "Some people come into our lives and quietly stay. Others stay for a while, leaving footprints in our heart and we are never the same"

So I was thinking we could have a fan making party. It would be pretty simple...you know glue two pieces of cardstock with a stick in between and then tie a little ribbon around the stick. Does that sound like a plan?


WV Girl said...

Hey, this is Stacy. (Mindy and Ashley's friend)I met you at Matthew Alive with my daughter, Kylie. She and Maci rode one of the rides together. I used fans as favors at my wedding. We hung them on a large tree branch, which we painted white and hung white Christmas lights on it. Then we stood it in a Christmas tree stand and hung all the fans on the tree. The fans were purple and had lace over top the purple and had tags with our names and date. They also had a ribbon of pearls tied in a bow. They looked really nice on the tree and then guests just came and took them. You can use this idea if you like the sounds of it. Just thought it may help.

Ashley B said...

awww I like that idea-- very cool

mindy said...

I say bring the fans to the next faculty meeting and we will call it a "make and take" only it'll be a "make and leave."